Zero to Open Sauce in 18 Days

Created: 3 July 2024
Updated: 3 July 2024
By: Adam Allport
Reading time: 4 mins

OpenSauce 24: From Zero to Open Sauce in 18 Days!

Hey there, I'm Adam. Welcome to LocalBytes.
Today, I want to share an exciting adventure I embarked on recently with LocalBytes. It's all about our journey to OpenSauce in San Francisco. This fantastic experience turned out to be both challenging and rewarding.

The Unexpected Start

You know that saying, "No plan survives first contact with the enemy"? Well, it couldn't be more accurate for our trip. We arrived, but our banner didn't. Yup, it just didn't show up. To add to the chaos, there was no power. Talk about a stressful start!

But hey, that's part of the adventure, right? We didn't let the initial setbacks dampen our spirits. We quickly sorted things out – a FedEx shop saved the day for our banner and posters. This experience reinforced the importance of resilience and adaptability in unexpected challenges. It was a close call, but we made it work! This shows that flexibility and quick thinking are essential when you're exhibiting at a big event like OpenSauce.

Exhibiting Our Tech

Our exhibit showcased some cool tech, including smart bulbs and smart plugs, all powered by a Raspberry Pi and a travel router. The goal was to introduce people to our latest innovation, the LocalDeck. However, demonstrating a whole new technology is a considerable feat. Despite a few hiccups, we managed to get our demo running smoothly by 10:30 on the first day.

Knowing what to exhibit and how to exhibit it are two very different things, as I discovered. It's not just about showing off an incredible product. For us at LocalBytes, it was about presenting a new technology in a way that people could easily understand and get excited about.

Meeting the Makers

One of the highlights of the event was meeting so many incredible people. We connected with Jeff Geerling, who I've communicated with via email before; it was great to finally meet him in person. I also had the pleasure of meeting Stephen from Opulo and Joe from These folks are as down-to-earth as they come, which was refreshing.

There were so many inspiring conversations, like discussing supply chain management with Stephen. It was insightful to talk about how SME (Small and medium-sized enterprises) owners can navigate inventory challenges, especially on a tight budget. Sharing ideas and experiences with these industry leaders was both humbling and incredibly motivating.

Creative Exhibits

The creativity at the event was off the charts! For instance, there was an Etch-A-Sketch that took your picture and then drew it. It even had a motor to clear the screen. Pure genius! The guy behind me made a walking coffee table, and another exhibitor created a bike that runs on train tracks. The ingenuity was mind-blowing.

One of my favourite moments was seeing the variety of applications for motor control boards. The team next to us had a motor board that they used to create an Etch-A-Sketch that could draw portraits. It was such a clever and fun way to showcase their technology. Innovations like these remind me why I love being part of the tech community.

The Essence of OpenSauce

What stood out the most was the sense of community. Everyone was there to share passion and help each other out. It's a beautiful reminder that nothing significant in life can be achieved alone. The support from my team at LocalBytes, friends, and family was invaluable.

We also met many other exhibitors who, like us, were trying to make a name for themselves. Whether it was robots, smart devices, or creative DIY projects, everyone brought something unique to the table. It was a space where creativity and collaboration thrived.

Final Thoughts

If you ever get the chance to participate in something like OpenSauce, seize it. As Richard Branson said, "If someone gives you a great opportunity, just say yes. You can figure out how to do it later." That's precisely what we did, and it was worth every effort.

This event was more than just an opportunity to showcase LocalDeck. It was about connecting with like-minded individuals, learning from others and pushing the boundaries of what's possible. These experiences are invaluable and can profoundly impact your personal and professional growth.

So, go out there, take risks, and make the most of every opportunity. You'll meet amazing people, learn new things, and maybe even create something extraordinary.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.
Until next time, keep innovating and exploring!