This is a sample post
I wanted to have sample post for testing purposes. This is it.
It's only accessible directly - http://localhost:3000/posts/0000-00-00/sample
Heading 2
This is a 2nd level heading
Heading 3
This is a 3rd level heading
Available features
We have block quotes:
This is a block quote
It can span multiple lines
At some point, these will start working, but for now they don't
Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
Optional information to help a user be more successful.
Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
!CAUTION Negative potential consequences of an action.
We can also do inline code
and code blocks:
export default () => {
console.log('Code block')
We have mermaid diagrams:
Tweets can be embedded:
Important, make sure to put the content of the tweet,
This means the content is brought into the SSR process.